If you’ve ever experienced a persistent ache around your kneecap that flares up during activities like walking upstairs, running, or even sitting for long periods, you might be dealing with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS), also known as “runner’s knee.” It’s a common condition, and while it can be frustrating, there are ways to manage and […]
Author: James Maddock
Corrective remedial massage therapist based in Melbourne, Australia. I have a special interest in shoulder pain and injuries.
Remedial massage is an excellent treatment for healing bruises, but only after 5–7 days from the initial injury.
Understanding Muscle Dynamics is More Than Just Strength Training In fitness and sports performance, there’s a common misconception that muscle power is all about the big primary mover muscles – think pecs and glutes. However, true strength and efficiency come from a harmonious balance between “mover muscles” and “stabiliser muscles.” Stabiliser muscles are also known […]
Sesamoiditis, an inflammatory condition of the forefoot, is often misunderstod and poorly treated by manual therapists. This post desribes the condition and how to address it.
Physical pain symptoms are the number one reason that patients seek healthcare in Australia at this time – more often than for infectious disease, cancer, or any other illness. Symptoms of pain are one of the primary reasons people take time off work. Pain also affects peoples’ abilities to take recreation, socialise with friends, and […]
Back to Work!
Covid-19 restrictions in Metro Melbourne ease this Wednesday. I’ll be back in clinic for you starting from November the 2nd. Hooray!
My name is James Maddock (but I prefer to be called “Maddock”) and I have found my calling. I love channeling my geeky, nerdy fascination with the human body towards helping my clients get back to normal work, school, sports, social and family life. I am a naturally empathetic, holistic health practitioner with a solid […]
First, a declaration of conflict of interest. 🙂 I am a current student of the Bachelor of Health Science (‘BHSc’) Myotherapy and am due to complete my studies at the end of 2021. What follows is essentially the course of thinking that drew me to the conclusion to upskill from my current qualification, the Diploma […]
Muscles, tendons, and ligaments; sprains, strains, and pulls. Just what is going on with your painful muscles, and what does it mean for getting better? This article is a guide
There are pros and cons to the scientific method in medicine. Science is objective and devoid of emotion, but human patients are not. This post explores how we got here, and how we might bridge that gap.