Do you feel sharp pain in your hip when you move or sit for too long? Do activities like squatting, running, or even getting out of the car become uncomfortable in your groin? You might be dealing with something called Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI). At Massage Dot Melbourne, I see many clients who suffer from hip […]
Category: Anatomy and Physiology
Remedial massage is an excellent treatment for healing bruises, but only after 5–7 days from the initial injury.
Understanding Muscle Dynamics is More Than Just Strength Training In fitness and sports performance, there’s a common misconception that muscle power is all about the big primary mover muscles – think pecs and glutes. However, true strength and efficiency come from a harmonious balance between “mover muscles” and “stabiliser muscles.” Stabiliser muscles are also known […]

Outline Please remember to read the disclaimer advice at the bottom of the page. Thoracic outlet syndrome is a painful condition in which swelling of the thoracic outlet can compress the nerve and blood vessel bundles that stretch from your neck to your fingers. The thoracic outlet is a space between your collarbone and your […]

An explanation for how massage therapy can reduce stress and stimulate relaxation.
The facts of back pain: Back pain is especially common in the developed countries – and it seems that the more developed the country, the more back pain there is.[1][2][3] The World Health Organisation (WHO) reported 2021 that low back pain was the most physically disabling condition in the world, so if you have low back […]
I love working with bodies. They’re amazing. We are evolved to be as efficient as possible at all times, and strength, power and endurance are no different. That’s me, three days ago, on my fourth set of three 50 kg close-grip bench press. It was only on the fifth and final set that I struggled. Up until […]
Don’t stretch before your workouts. Yeah, I said it. Here’s why..
Do you see a massage therapist for your sore, tight-feeling shoulders? If you do, there is every possibility they are making you feel worse, not better.